Best Free Web Hosting Sites
Best Free Web Hosting Sites: If you want to have your own website or blog but you don’t have money to pay for a hosting service, you have the option of using free hosting, which, although limited, will allow you to start.
The choice of the hosting in which you will host your website is crucial because it will depend on this, for example, that your site is online all the time, that it supports the number of daily visitors it receives, and can even affect the speed of your page.
For this reason, it will always be advisable to hire a quality paid web hosting service, but since this is not always possible, it is good to know the best free website hosting options that are currently on the market. This is precisely what we talk about in this article.
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The 15 Best Free Web Hosting Sites
If, despite the disadvantages that we have just mentioned, it is still your idea to try free hosting, here is a list of the best providers of this type and their main characteristics.
1. Lucushost
Among all the free hosting sites, Lucushost is possibly the best of all.
It is a web hosting provider that has a stable platform to offer free accommodation to websites of all kinds.
Among the most outstanding features of Lucushost are the one-click installation of different CMS including of course WordPress and PrestaShop, free SSL security certificate, and personalized support 24 hours a day. Everything that this hosting offers makes one doubt that it is completely free but in reality it is.
Disk space | 1 GB |
Bandwidth | 5 GB |
Websites | 1 |
SSL | Free SSL |
Language | Multi-Language |
Control panel | cPanel |
Support | Technical support by email 24/7 |
Uptime & Speed | 99% |
Free WordPress hosting | 1 click install |
Backups | Daily backups |
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2. 000webhost
Widely used by customers around the world, 000WebHost is another one of those most popular ad-free free hosts.
It stands out for having the most popular control panel: cPanel, with which you can fully manage your site, which includes installing a CMS, creating databases, users, and other tasks. In addition, with your free account, you can have up to a maximum of two web pages.
A little detail from 000WebHost: your site will be online 23 hours a day.
Disk space | 300 MB |
Bandwidth | 3 GB |
Websites | 1 |
SSL | No |
Language | English |
Control panel | cPanel |
Support | No |
Uptime & Speed | 99% Uptime Guarantee |
Backups | No |
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3. Awardspace
Award Space has been offering free hosting services for over 15 years so you know what you’re doing.
Despite being a free service, the company seeks to provide the best to its customers, that is why all its plans, including the free one, include SSDs, so your page can load very quickly.
Disk space | 1 GB |
Bandwidth | 5 GB |
Websites | 4 |
Email Accounts | 1 |
Language | English |
Support | Live Chat 24/7 |
Uptime & Speed | 99.9% |
Free WordPress hosting | 1 click install |
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In this free provider, you can have your website with the convenience of having 5Gb of disk space and no less than 20Gb of monthly transfer, which means that you can receive thousands of visitors
When creating your account you can host a maximum of three different web pages and each one with its own independent database.
It does not have personalized support but it does have a forum where you can receive and provide help to other users of this free hosting service.
Disk space | 5 GB |
Bandwidth | 20 GB |
Websites | 1 |
Email Accounts | No |
Control panel | cPanel |
Language | English |
Support | Live Chat 24/7 |
Uptime & Speed | 99% |
Free WordPress hosting | 1 click install |
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Free hosting is generally very limited hosting, but this is not the case with X10Hosting, a provider that offers unlimited web space and monthly data transfer.
Includes cPanel from which you can install WordPress and other content managers in a few steps.
Disk space | Unlimited |
Bandwidth | Unlimited |
Websites | 2 |
Email Accounts | 3 |
Control panel | cPanel |
Language | English |
Support | Forum |
Uptime & Speed | 99.9% |
Free WordPress hosting | 1 click install |
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6. Freehostia
FreeHostia is a well-known American company that offers a modest free web hosting plan. For example, space is limited to 250Mb so it can only be used with small projects.
However, if we put space aside, it has other characteristics that make it a good option, we are talking about configuring up to 5 domains, installing CMS with one click, and having a MySQL database.
Disk space | 250 MB |
Bandwidth | 6 GB |
Websites | 5 |
Email Accounts | 3 |
Control panel | Own |
Language | English |
Support | 24/7 Support |
Uptime & Speed | 99% |
Free WordPress hosting | 1 click install |
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7. RunHosting
With RunHosting you will have your own online website without paying absolutely anything but with the limitation of 1Gb of disk space and 5Gb of monthly traffic.
Disk space | 1 GB |
Bandwidth | 5 GB |
Websites | 1 |
Control panel | Own |
Language | English |
Support | 24/7 Support |
Uptime & Speed | 99.9% |
Free WordPress hosting | 1 click install |
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8. FreeHosting
Unlike the pages mentioned so far, Free Hosting is less known in the Hispanic market, as it is a Czech company, but this does not mean that it does not deserve a chance.
To mention some aspects that make it a good option, we have to create a web page with its respective database and have no monthly data transfer limits.
Disk space | 10 GB |
Bandwidth | Unlimited |
Websites | 1 |
Email Accounts | 1 |
Control panel | cPanel |
Language | English |
Support | Tickets |
Uptime & Speed | 99% |
Free WordPress hosting | 1 click install |
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9. Dinahosting
Dinahosting is what we can consider a test server, not suitable for large projects, much less serious. We say it because with its free plan you will only have 10 Mb of storage, that is, your website cannot weigh more than that. So it must be a very small site.
Although it is quite limited, we mention it because it will help you to experiment and set up a test site and its interface is in English.
Disk space | 10 MB |
Bandwidth | 1.5 GB |
Websites | 1 |
Control panel | Own |
Language | Multi Language |
Support | No |
Uptime & Speed | 99% |
Free WordPress hosting | 1 click install |
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In addition to its particular name, Batcave has what you need to set up a simple web project and put it online without having to pay a penny. As expected, its features and options are limited but sufficient for an amateur project.
Disk space | 1 GB |
Bandwidth | 5 GB |
Websites | 1 |
Email Accounts | 1 |
Control panel | cPanel |
Language | English |
Support | 24/7 Support |
Uptime & Speed | 99.9% |
Free WordPress hosting | 1 click install |
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11. Googiehost
GoogieHost offers ultimate free hosting services packed with our most popular cPanel “DirectAdmin” to manage your site’s files, along with our free web hosting Website builder, Webmail, SSD boosted Attracta SEO Tools, Fast MySQL Databases, and Much more unique things.
Disk space | 1 GB |
Bandwidth | Unlimited |
FTP account | 2 |
Email Accounts | 2 |
SSL | Free |
Control panel | cPanel |
Language | English |
Support | Ticket |
Uptime & Speed | 99% |
Visit Website | |
Infinityfree is a free web hosting platform. It provides completely free website hosting with unlimited disk space and bandwidth. More than 350,000+ people choose to host their websites.
Your website is your own, we will never force advertisements on your website. Uptime is our main priority, which is why we can proudly say we offer 99.9% uptime.
Disk space | Unlimited |
Bandwidth | Unlimited |
Websites | 400 |
Email Accounts | 10 |
SSL | Free |
Control panel | cPanel |
Language | English |
Support | Forum/Knowledge Base |
Uptime & Speed | 99.9% |
Free WordPress hosting | 1 click install |
Visit Website | |
13. Weebly
Get access to customizable webpage designs and useful tools to build your website and grow your ideal business. Easily build a free website to help you get discovered and grow your customer base in style. Start today with our powerful free website builder.
Disk space | 500 MB |
Bandwidth | Unlimited |
Websites | subdomain |
Email Accounts | No |
SSL | Free |
Language | English |
Support | Chat/Email |
Uptime & Speed | 99% |
Visit Website | |
WordPress is one of the most popular free web hostings. 38% of the web is built on WordPress. More bloggers, small businesses, and Fortune 500 companies use WordPress than all other options combined. Join the millions of people that call home.
Disk space | 3 GB |
Bandwidth | Unlimited |
Websites | subdomain |
Email Accounts | Yes |
SSL | Free |
Language | English |
Support | No |
Uptime & Speed | 99% |
Visit Website | |
Design and build your own high-quality free websites. Whether you’re promoting your business, showcasing your work, opening your store, or starting a blog.
Over-all 160 million people worldwide choose Wix to create a free website. And you can do it, too. You can create a free and professional website all on your own.
With Wix, you can start with a stunning template and customize it, or get a personalized website made just for you.
Free reliable web hosting, top security, the best SEO, and a dedicated support team to help you along the way.
Disk space | 500 MB |
Bandwidth | 500 MB |
Websites | subdomain |
Email Accounts | Yes |
SSL | Free |
Language | English |
Support | No |
Uptime & Speed | 99% |
Visit Website | |
These are just 15 Best Free Web Hosting Sites, where you can publish your website and start having your presence online.
We are sure that you know other free hosting providers, so we leave you the comments so that you can tell us about them.
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